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Cow, Bayad Taluka, Gujarat, India, Brahma Bull, ACFV02P02_19BTrain Station, Depot, Soenka & Co, Darjeeling, West Bengal, 1950s, CAIV01P08_06.0626Erotic Carving, Parsvana Temple, Khajuraho, 1950s, CAIV01P10_05.0627Erotic Carving, Parsvana Temple, Fatehpur, 1950s, CAIV01P10_09Erotic Carving, Parsvana Temple, Fatehpur, 1950s, CAIV01P10_09.0627Erotic Carving, Breasts, Bellybutton, Stone, Carving, Parsvana Temple, Fatehpur, 1950s, CAIV01P10_09BSpy Love movie poster, CAIV01P12_07.0627CAIV01P12_07B.0627Figurines, The Great Stupa at Sanchi, Eastern Gateway, Buddhist complex, CAIV02P05_03.0627Elephant, Female Figure, carving, The Great Stupa at Sanchi, Eastern Gateway, Buddhist complex, Madhya Pradesh, CAIV02P05_04.3338London, Albert Memorial, CEEV05P03_09Planting, sowing, irrigation, Sythe, FMAV01P07_12Planting, sowing, irrigation, Sythe, FMAV01P07_13Girl, Woman, Planting, sowing, irrigation, Sythe, FMAV01P07_14Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P07_18Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P07_19Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P08_01Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P08_02Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P08_03Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P08_04Water Pump, Pumping, FWWV01P11_01Water Pump, Pumping, FWWV01P11_02Water Pump, Pumping, FWWV01P11_03Water Well, FWWV01P11_04Water Well, FWWV01P11_05KEDV03P12_11KEDV03P12_12nursing baby, Mumbai (Bombay), India, PABV02P03_05nursing baby, Mumbai (Bombay), India, PABV02P03_05BIndia, PAFV06P03_17.2676India, PAFV06P03_18.2676Grandmother, Grandson, colors, PBTV02P04_02Woman, Girl, Jug, PBTV02P04_08Woman, girls, PBTV02P04_09Woman Carries a Heavy Load on her Head, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PDCV01P02_13Woman Carrying Firewood, Desertification, wood bundle, twigs, Bayad Taluka, Gujarat, PDCV01P02_15Woman carrying a large bowel on her head, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_01Woman Carrying a Balanced Tub on their head, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_05Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_06Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_07Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_08Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_09Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_10Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_11Woman Balances Metal Water Containers, Bayad Taluka, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_12Woman Carries a huge Bushel of Plants on her head, Bayad Taluka, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_13Woman Carrying a bushel of plants on her head, Bayad Taluka, PDCV01P03_14Woman Carries a huge bushel of plants on her head, Bayad Taluka, PDCV01P03_15Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P03_16Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P03_17Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P03_18Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P03_19Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_01Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_02Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_04Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_05Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_06Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_07Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_08Woman Carrying a bushel of Plants, PDCV01P04_09Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_10Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_11Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_12Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_13Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_14Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_15Girl Carrying a Heavy Load, PDCV01P05_02Girl Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P05_03India, PDCV01P05_06India, Child-Labor, PDCV01P05_07India, Child-Labor, PDCV01P05_08India, Child-Labor, PDCV01P05_09Herding Goats, Woman, Girl, Boy, Road, India, PDCV01P05_11Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_04Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_05Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_06Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_07Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_08Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_09Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_10Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_11Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_12Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_13Woman Sweeping, India, cow, PDGV01P02_14Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_09Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_10Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_11Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_12Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_13Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_14Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_15Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_16Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_17Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_18goats, river, dish washing, woman, India, PDKV01P01_19Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_03Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_04Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_05Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_06Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_07Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_08Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_09Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_10Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_11Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_12Woman Washing Clothes, PDLV01P06_04Couple arguing on the sidewalk, Mumbai (Bombay), India, PFSV01P12_02Couple arguing on the sidewalk, Woman, Saree, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_02BWoman Standing by a slum shack, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_04Woman, Saree, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_04BWoman, Saree, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_04CWomen Walking, Saree, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_06Mumbai (Bombay), India, PFSV01P12_07Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_03Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_04Goat, Women, Man, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_05Walking along the Road, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_06Woman and child walking, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_06BSmiling mother with baby, sari, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_07Woman Standing, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_11buildings, stores, woman, man, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_03buildings, stores, woman, street, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_04Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_05Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_10Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_11Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_11BAhmadabad, PFSV02P07_13Ganges River, Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, India, PFSV02P14_02Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, India, Ganges River, PFSV02P14_02BWoman, Girl, Teenager, Walking, Sari, PFSV05P05_15PFSV07P09_09Wharda, PLPV03P11_16Smiling Boy at Sunset, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai Back Bay, PLPV03P14_05Woman, Female, Girl, PLPV07P15_11Woman, Female, Girl, PLPV07P15_12.0848Brother, Sister, Woman, Female, Girl, PLPV07P15_17Mother and Daughter, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, PMCPCD3306_127Mother and Daughter, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, PMCPCD3306_129Mother and Daughter, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, PMCPCD3306_130Mother and Daughter, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, PMCPCD3306_131Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P06_14Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P06_15.0216Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P06_17.0216Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P07_01Teen Mother, Baby boy at the Dharavi district of Mumbai , PMCV01P07_03.0216Teen Mother, Baby boy, Mumbai , PMCV01P07_03BTeen Mother, Baby boy, Mumbai , PMCV01P07_03BWBMother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_04.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_07Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_07BWMother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_08.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_09.0216Mother with her Daughter, Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P07_10.0216Gujarati, India, PMCV02P05_18.0216Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_03.0216Mother and Daughter in Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_04.0216Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_08.0216Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_10.0214Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_12.0214Mother and her boy, son, corn, husks, shucking corn, Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_14Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_18.0214Mother and Daughter, Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_01.0214Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_03Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_05.0214Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_07Mother holds her Toddler, Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_08.0214Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_09Mumbai India, PMCV03P01_12February 1974, 1970s, PMCV03P10_05PORV04P11_12Birthday Celebration for Mohandas Gandhi, Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PORV07P12_13Woman, Face, Sabarmati Ashram, Birthday Celebration for Mohandas Gandhi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PORV07P13_01.0848Woman, Face, Sabarmati Ashram, Birthday Celebration for Mohandas Gandhi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PORV07P13_01BWoman, Face, Sabarmati Ashram, Birthday Celebration for Mohandas Gandhi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PORV07P13_03Woman, Face, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Sabarmati Ashram, PORV07P13_05Woman, Face, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Sabarmati Ashram, PORV07P13_08.0848Woman, Girl, Smiles, Sari, Gujarat, PORV07P14_03Woman, Girl, Smiles, Sari, Gujarat, PORV07P14_04Woman, Girl, Smiles, Face, Gujarat, PORV07P14_07.0847Woman, Girl, Smiles, Face, Gujarat, PORV07P14_07BW.0847Woman, Girl, Smiles, Face, Gujarat, PORV07P14_07BWGirl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_10Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_11Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_14.0847Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_17.0750Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_19.0848Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_01Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_09Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_14.0847Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_08Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_09Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_12Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_13.0750Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_14Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_15Girl, Woman, Female, Face, PORV08P03_16.0847Face, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_17Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_05Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_15Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P06_09Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P07_03.0848Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P07_04Girl, Woman, Female, Face, PORV08P07_05.0750Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P07_10Face, Head Scarf, Woman, Female, PORV08P07_13.0847Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_06.0848Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_07.0750Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_08Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_11.0750Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_13Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_16Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_17Girl, Woman, Female, Face, Beauty, Gujarat, Boral Village, PORV08P08_19.0847Woman, Female, Girl, PORV08P09_02.0847Woman, Female, Girl, PORV08P09_07.0848Woman, Female, Girl, PORV08P09_19PORV15P01_10PORV15P01_11Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_20Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_041Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_043Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_043BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_044Trash Picking and Collecting, skyline, buildings, slum, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_049Woman, Shanty Home, Shack, apartment buildings, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_052Teen mother with son, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_065Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_088Mother, Hair, Daughter, hair, smiles, sari, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_096Smiling Girl, slum, Black and White, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_097Mumbai (Bombay), IndiaMother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_098Mother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_099Mother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_099BMother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_100girl, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_100BMother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_110Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_111Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_114Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_115Teen Mother, baby, girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_119Baby, girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_119BMother and her two children, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_120Mother and her two babies, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_121Teen Mother, daughter, girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_126Teen Mother, daughter, girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_128Woman in Agony, sidewalk, contrast, rich & poor, Mumbai, POVV01P08_13Woman Cries in Pain, laying on the sidewalk, no one cares, Mumbai, (Bombay), India, POVV01P08_14Woman Cries in Pain, laying on the sidewalk, no one cares, Mumbai, (Bombay), India, POVV01P08_14BWoman Stands waiting for a bus, Slum, Mumbai, (Bombay), India, POVV01P08_19Woman in a Berka, Dharavi Slum India, POVV01P10_08Woman Washing Clothes, Buildings, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P03_19Woman Washing Clothes, Buildings, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P03_19BGirl and Her Starving Daughter, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P04_05Woman with Daughter, Mother, selling items, POVV02P04_08Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_08BMother and Daughter, Poverty, POVV02P04_10Mother and Daughter, Poverty, POVV02P04_10BWoman, Face, Delhi, India, POVV02P06_13India, antique cell phone, Purple Woman Face, headdress, statue, cell phone, VCEV01P13_15Hauling Garbage for Recycle, woman, sari, Lady, Women, Female, on the Streets of Mumbai, , VCVV01P01_08.0569Row of Elephants for Rides, Sikh, Amber India, VHEV01P02_03Vespa, Scooter, man, woman, riding, VMCV01P05_05Vespa, Scooter, man, woman, riding, VMCV01P05_06Mettuppalaiyam, Tamil Nadu station, VRPV04P06_04Woman dumping trash, Dharavi Mumbai, POVV01P09_03Mother and Daughter in Poverty, POVV02P04_09Mumbai (Bombay), India, PABV02P03_04Mumbai (Bombay), India, PABV02P03_06Sleeping Child, Mumbai (Bombay), India, newborn, PABV02P03_07Mumbai (Bombay), India, newborn, PABV02P03_08Mumbai (Bombay), India, newborn, PABV02P03_09near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_03near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_04near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_05near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_06near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_07near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_12near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_13near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_16Woman, Female, near Ahmedabad, PORV08P01_18near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_02near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_03near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_10near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_11near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_12near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_13near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_15near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_05near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_06near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_07near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_10near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_11near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_18near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_19near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_01near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_02near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_03near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_04near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_06Group, near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_07near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_08
Cow, Bayad Taluka, Gujarat, India, Brahma Bull, ACFV02P02_19BTrain Station, Depot, Soenka & Co, Darjeeling, West Bengal, 1950s, CAIV01P08_06.0626Erotic Carving, Parsvana Temple, Khajuraho, 1950s, CAIV01P10_05.0627Erotic Carving, Parsvana Temple, Fatehpur, 1950s, CAIV01P10_09Erotic Carving, Parsvana Temple, Fatehpur, 1950s, CAIV01P10_09.0627Erotic Carving, Breasts, Bellybutton, Stone, Carving, Parsvana Temple, Fatehpur, 1950s, CAIV01P10_09BSpy Love movie poster, CAIV01P12_07.0627CAIV01P12_07B.0627Figurines, The Great Stupa at Sanchi, Eastern Gateway, Buddhist complex, CAIV02P05_03.0627Elephant, Female Figure, carving, The Great Stupa at Sanchi, Eastern Gateway, Buddhist complex, Madhya Pradesh, CAIV02P05_04.3338London, Albert Memorial, CEEV05P03_09Planting, sowing, irrigation, Sythe, FMAV01P07_12Planting, sowing, irrigation, Sythe, FMAV01P07_13Girl, Woman, Planting, sowing, irrigation, Sythe, FMAV01P07_14Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P07_18Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P07_19Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P08_01Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P08_02Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P08_03Planting, sowing, irrigation, Women, Woman, Water, FMAV01P08_04Water Pump, Pumping, FWWV01P11_01Water Pump, Pumping, FWWV01P11_02Water Pump, Pumping, FWWV01P11_03Water Well, FWWV01P11_04Water Well, FWWV01P11_05KEDV03P12_11KEDV03P12_12nursing baby, Mumbai (Bombay), India, PABV02P03_05nursing baby, Mumbai (Bombay), India, PABV02P03_05BIndia, PAFV06P03_17.2676India, PAFV06P03_18.2676Grandmother, Grandson, colors, PBTV02P04_02Woman, Girl, Jug, PBTV02P04_08Woman, girls, PBTV02P04_09Woman Carries a Heavy Load on her Head, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PDCV01P02_13Woman Carrying Firewood, Desertification, wood bundle, twigs, Bayad Taluka, Gujarat, PDCV01P02_15Woman carrying a large bowel on her head, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_01Woman Carrying a Balanced Tub on their head, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_05Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_06Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_07Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_08Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_09Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_10Woman Carrying a bushel, Boral Village, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_11Woman Balances Metal Water Containers, Bayad Taluka, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_12Woman Carries a huge Bushel of Plants on her head, Bayad Taluka, Gujarat, PDCV01P03_13Woman Carrying a bushel of plants on her head, Bayad Taluka, PDCV01P03_14Woman Carries a huge bushel of plants on her head, Bayad Taluka, PDCV01P03_15Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P03_16Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P03_17Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P03_18Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P03_19Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_01Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_02Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_04Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_05Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_06Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_07Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_08Woman Carrying a bushel of Plants, PDCV01P04_09Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_10Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_11Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_12Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_13Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_14Woman Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P04_15Girl Carrying a Heavy Load, PDCV01P05_02Girl Carrying a bushel, PDCV01P05_03India, PDCV01P05_06India, Child-Labor, PDCV01P05_07India, Child-Labor, PDCV01P05_08India, Child-Labor, PDCV01P05_09Herding Goats, Woman, Girl, Boy, Road, India, PDCV01P05_11Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_04Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_05Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_06Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_07Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_08Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_09Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_10Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_11Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_12Woman Sweeping, India, PDGV01P02_13Woman Sweeping, India, cow, PDGV01P02_14Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_09Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_10Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_11Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_12Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_13Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_14Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_15Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_16Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_17Woman washing dishes, pail, pots, pans, PDKV01P01_18goats, river, dish washing, woman, India, PDKV01P01_19Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_03Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_04Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_05Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_06Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_07Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_08Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_09Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_10Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_11Woman, Washing Clothes, PDLV01P02_12Woman Washing Clothes, PDLV01P06_04Couple arguing on the sidewalk, Mumbai (Bombay), India, PFSV01P12_02Couple arguing on the sidewalk, Woman, Saree, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_02BWoman Standing by a slum shack, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_04Woman, Saree, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_04BWoman, Saree, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_04CWomen Walking, Saree, Mumbai, PFSV01P12_06Mumbai (Bombay), India, PFSV01P12_07Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_03Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_04Goat, Women, Man, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_05Walking along the Road, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_06Woman and child walking, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_06BSmiling mother with baby, sari, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_07Woman Standing, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P06_11buildings, stores, woman, man, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_03buildings, stores, woman, street, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_04Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_05Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_10Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_11Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_11BAhmadabad, PFSV02P07_13Ganges River, Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, India, PFSV02P14_02Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, India, Ganges River, PFSV02P14_02BWoman, Girl, Teenager, Walking, Sari, PFSV05P05_15PFSV07P09_09Wharda, PLPV03P11_16Smiling Boy at Sunset, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai Back Bay, PLPV03P14_05Woman, Female, Girl, PLPV07P15_11Woman, Female, Girl, PLPV07P15_12.0848Brother, Sister, Woman, Female, Girl, PLPV07P15_17Mother and Daughter, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, PMCPCD3306_127Mother and Daughter, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, PMCPCD3306_129Mother and Daughter, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, PMCPCD3306_130Mother and Daughter, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, PMCPCD3306_131Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P06_14Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P06_15.0216Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P06_17.0216Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P07_01Teen Mother, Baby boy at the Dharavi district of Mumbai , PMCV01P07_03.0216Teen Mother, Baby boy, Mumbai , PMCV01P07_03BTeen Mother, Baby boy, Mumbai , PMCV01P07_03BWBMother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_04.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_07Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_07BWMother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_08.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_09.0216Mother with her Daughter, Mumbai (Bombay), India, PMCV01P07_10.0216Gujarati, India, PMCV02P05_18.0216Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_03.0216Mother and Daughter in Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_04.0216Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_08.0216Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_10.0214Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_12.0214Mother and her boy, son, corn, husks, shucking corn, Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_14Gujarati, India, PMCV02P06_18.0214Mother and Daughter, Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_01.0214Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_03Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_05.0214Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_07Mother holds her Toddler, Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_08.0214Gujarati, India, PMCV02P07_09Mumbai India, PMCV03P01_12February 1974, 1970s, PMCV03P10_05PORV04P11_12Birthday Celebration for Mohandas Gandhi, Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PORV07P12_13Woman, Face, Sabarmati Ashram, Birthday Celebration for Mohandas Gandhi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PORV07P13_01.0848Woman, Face, Sabarmati Ashram, Birthday Celebration for Mohandas Gandhi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PORV07P13_01BWoman, Face, Sabarmati Ashram, Birthday Celebration for Mohandas Gandhi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, PORV07P13_03Woman, Face, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Sabarmati Ashram, PORV07P13_05Woman, Face, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Sabarmati Ashram, PORV07P13_08.0848Woman, Girl, Smiles, Sari, Gujarat, PORV07P14_03Woman, Girl, Smiles, Sari, Gujarat, PORV07P14_04Woman, Girl, Smiles, Face, Gujarat, PORV07P14_07.0847Woman, Girl, Smiles, Face, Gujarat, PORV07P14_07BW.0847Woman, Girl, Smiles, Face, Gujarat, PORV07P14_07BWGirl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_10Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_11Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_14.0847Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_17.0750Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_19.0848Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_01Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_09Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_14.0847Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_08Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_09Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_12Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_13.0750Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_14Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_15Girl, Woman, Female, Face, PORV08P03_16.0847Face, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_17Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_05Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_15Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P06_09Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P07_03.0848Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P07_04Girl, Woman, Female, Face, PORV08P07_05.0750Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P07_10Face, Head Scarf, Woman, Female, PORV08P07_13.0847Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_06.0848Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_07.0750Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_08Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_11.0750Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_13Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_16Girl, Woman, Female, Boral Village, Gujarat, PORV08P08_17Girl, Woman, Female, Face, Beauty, Gujarat, Boral Village, PORV08P08_19.0847Woman, Female, Girl, PORV08P09_02.0847Woman, Female, Girl, PORV08P09_07.0848Woman, Female, Girl, PORV08P09_19PORV15P01_10PORV15P01_11Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_20Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_041Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_043Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_043BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_044Trash Picking and Collecting, skyline, buildings, slum, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_049Woman, Shanty Home, Shack, apartment buildings, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_052Teen mother with son, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_065Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_088Mother, Hair, Daughter, hair, smiles, sari, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_096Smiling Girl, slum, Black and White, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_097Mumbai (Bombay), IndiaMother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_098Mother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_099Mother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_099BMother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_100girl, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_100BMother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_110Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_111Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_114Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_115Teen Mother, baby, girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_119Baby, girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_119BMother and her two children, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_120Mother and her two babies, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_121Teen Mother, daughter, girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_126Teen Mother, daughter, girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_128Woman in Agony, sidewalk, contrast, rich & poor, Mumbai, POVV01P08_13Woman Cries in Pain, laying on the sidewalk, no one cares, Mumbai, (Bombay), India, POVV01P08_14Woman Cries in Pain, laying on the sidewalk, no one cares, Mumbai, (Bombay), India, POVV01P08_14BWoman Stands waiting for a bus, Slum, Mumbai, (Bombay), India, POVV01P08_19Woman in a Berka, Dharavi Slum India, POVV01P10_08Woman Washing Clothes, Buildings, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P03_19Woman Washing Clothes, Buildings, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P03_19BGirl and Her Starving Daughter, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P04_05Woman with Daughter, Mother, selling items, POVV02P04_08Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_08BMother and Daughter, Poverty, POVV02P04_10Mother and Daughter, Poverty, POVV02P04_10BWoman, Face, Delhi, India, POVV02P06_13India, antique cell phone, Purple Woman Face, headdress, statue, cell phone, VCEV01P13_15Hauling Garbage for Recycle, woman, sari, Lady, Women, Female, on the Streets of Mumbai, , VCVV01P01_08.0569Row of Elephants for Rides, Sikh, Amber India, VHEV01P02_03Vespa, Scooter, man, woman, riding, VMCV01P05_05Vespa, Scooter, man, woman, riding, VMCV01P05_06Mettuppalaiyam, Tamil Nadu station, VRPV04P06_04Woman dumping trash, Dharavi Mumbai, POVV01P09_03Mother and Daughter in Poverty, POVV02P04_09Mumbai (Bombay), India, PABV02P03_04Mumbai (Bombay), India, PABV02P03_06Sleeping Child, Mumbai (Bombay), India, newborn, PABV02P03_07Mumbai (Bombay), India, newborn, PABV02P03_08Mumbai (Bombay), India, newborn, PABV02P03_09near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_03near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_04near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_05near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_06near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_07near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_12near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_13near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P01_16Woman, Female, near Ahmedabad, PORV08P01_18near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_02near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_03near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_10near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_11near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_12near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_13near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P02_15near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_05near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_06near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_07near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_10near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_11near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_18near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P03_19near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_01near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_02near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_03near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_04near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_06Group, near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_07near Ahmedabad, Girl, Woman, Female, PORV08P04_08
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