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Children Sitting on the Stairs, house, home, CSZV01P08_05Carrying water back to the village, FWWV01P08_03Girls Carrying water back to the village, FWWV01P08_04Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_05Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_06Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_07Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_08Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_09Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_10PFSV01P04_10mother, children, walking, car, dirt street, Colonia Flores Magone, PFSV02P01_18Colonia Flores Magone, PFSV02P02_17Camel, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_06Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_07Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_08Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_08BShops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_09Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_10Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_11Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_12Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_14Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P12_01Bhaktapur, PFSV02P12_06Maputo, Mozambique, PFSV07P07_10Ribs, Water truck releasing water for the children, Roadside, Mumbai, PLPV03P12_16Water truck releasing water for the children, Roadside, Fun, Mumbai, PLPV03P12_18Teen Mother, Baby boy at the Dharavi district of Mumbai , PMCV01P07_03.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_04.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_07Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_07BWMother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_08.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_09.0216Children Picking Trash, Beach, Back Bay, Badhawar Park, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POV35V09P14_03Children Picking Trash, Beach, Back Bay, Badhawar Park, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POV35V09P14_04Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Back Bay, Badhawar Park, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POV35V09P14_05Girl Picking Trash, Beach, Back Bay, Badhawar Park, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POV35V09P14_05BTwo Girls, Contrast of Rich and Poor, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_14Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_14BMumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_17Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_20Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_20BMumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_40Father Feeding his Baby, shack, hut, squalor, squalid, Mumbai, India, POV35V09P14_44Slums of Mumbai, shacks, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_019Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_029Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_031Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_032Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_033Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_034Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_036Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_037Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_038Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_039Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_040Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_041Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_041BFriends, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_042Little Girl in the Slums of Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_042BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_043Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_043BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_044Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_045Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_045BBuddha Baby, Shanty Home, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_055BGirls, friends, Shanty Home, Shack, apartment buildings, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_057Man, baby, proud father, Shanty Home, Shack, apartment buildings, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_058Sisters, Girls, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_059Sisters, Girls, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, POVPCD3306_059BGirl, Boy, children picking through trash, slum, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, POVPCD3306_060Girl, face, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_062Girl, face, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_063Girl, face, nosering, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_063BGirls, smiles, pigtails, nosering, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_064Teen mother with son, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_065Boys, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_067Shanty Homes, group, boys, girls, apartment buildings, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_069boys, brothers, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_074boys, brothers, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_074Bgirls, friends, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_075girls, friends, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_076Girls, friends, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_077Girls and a Boy Gaze Deeply in the Future, Eyes, Slums, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_078girls, boy, eyes, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_080Friends, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_082Girl smiles, smiling, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_094BChildren Sleeping on the Street, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_095Mother, Hair, Daughter, hair, smiles, sari, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_096Smiling Girl, slum, Black and White, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_097Mumbai (Bombay), IndiaMother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_098Mother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_099Mother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_099BMother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_100girl, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_100Bfriends, girls, baby, babies, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_102friends, girls, smiles, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_104Sisters, baby, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_105baby, girl, slum, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_105Bbrother and sister, smile, boy, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_106tug-of-warl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_107Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_108Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_109Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_110Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_111Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_112Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_113Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_114Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_115Young Girl with her Toddler Sister, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_116Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_116Bgirl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_117girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_118girl, face, ssmile, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_118BTeen Mother, baby, girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_119Baby, girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_119BMother and her two children, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_120Mother and her two babies, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_121Group, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_122Group, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_123Group, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_123BProud Father, daughter, girl, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_124Proud Father, daughter, girl, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_125Proud Father, daughter, girl, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_125BTeen Mother, daughter, girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_126Teen girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_126BTeen Mother, daughter, girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_128Teen Girl, face, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_128BGroup, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_132Group, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_132BPOVPCD3307_037Boy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_072Boy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_072BBoy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_073Boy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_074Boy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_075POVPCD3307_076Mother and Boy on a boat, Burkina Faso, Africa, POVPCD3307_076BMother with her Son, Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P01_09Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P01_09BRefugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P01_10Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P01_12Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P01_16Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P01_17Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P01_17BAfrican Diaspora, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, POVV01P01_19African Diaspora Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, POVV01P01_19BBoy Caught in War, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P02_01Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P02_01BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_09Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_09BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_11Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_12Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, Somalia, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_12BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, Somalia, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_14Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_16Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_17Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_17BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_18Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_18BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_19Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_19BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_02Mother and her Child in a Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_04Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_04BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_04CRefugee Camp, Somalia, POVV01P03_04DRefugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_13Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P04_01Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P04_03Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P04_03BBuddha Baby, Refugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_15Buddha Baby, Refugee Camp near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_15BRefugee Camp, near the Kenya Uganda border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_15BWRefugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_18Refugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_18BRefugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P05_06Refugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P05_06BLake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P05_14Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P05_14BLake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P05_18Starving LIttle Boy, Mother, Lake Turkana, POVV01P06_04Mothers Hand, Starving LIttle Boy, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_04BLake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_11Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_14Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_14BBoys lining up for food, Singing, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_16Boys lining up for food, Singing, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_19Boys lining up for food, Singing, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_19BBoy eating from a bowl, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_04Boys eating from a food bowl, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_07Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_13Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_14Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_18Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_19Children picking through trash, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, Back Bay, Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, POVV01P09_09Woman in a Berka, Dharavi Slum India, POVV01P10_08Malnourished Baby Boy, POVV01P10_12Malnourished Baby Boy, POVV01P10_12BMalnourished Baby Boy, POVV01P10_13Malnourished Baby Boy, POVV01P10_13BMalnourished Boys, POVV01P11_01Malnourished Boy, belly, POVV01P11_01BBeggers, Merida, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, POVV01P11_09Beggers, Merida, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, POVV01P11_10Merida, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, POVV01P11_10BColonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_08Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_08BGirl in the Slums, Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_09Girl in the Slums, Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_09BColonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_18Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_18BInside a Home, Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P13_02Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P13_02BColonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P13_11Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P13_11BMalnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_08Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_09Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_10Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_11Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_12Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_13Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_13BMalnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_14Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_15Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_16Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_17Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_18Amadabad, POVV02P02_01Malnourished boys, Amadabad, POVV02P02_02Malnourished boys, Amadabad, POVV02P02_03Amadabad, POVV02P02_04Malnourished boy, Amadabad, POVV02P02_05Smiling Girl, Amadabad, POVV02P02_06Smiling Girl, Amadabad, POVV02P02_07Amadabad, Smiling Girl, POVV02P02_07BSmiling Girl, Amadabad, POVV02P02_08Smiling Girl, Amadabad, POVV02P02_08BSmiling Girls, Amadabad, POVV02P02_09Amadabad, POVV02P02_10Crying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_14Crying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_14BCrying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_14BWCrying Child, Dirty Face, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_15Crying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_16San Salvador, POVV02P02_17San Salvador, POVV02P02_18San Salvador, POVV02P02_19San Salvador, POVV02P03_01San Salvador, POVV02P03_02San Salvador, POVV02P03_02BBoys, San Salvador, POVV02P03_03Crying Child with a baby chick, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P03_04Crying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P03_04BCrying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P03_04BWCrying Girl, San Salvador, POVV02P03_05San Salvador, POVV02P03_05BSan Salvador, POVV02P03_06San Salvador, POVV02P03_07San Salvador, POVV02P03_08Boy, Shanty town, San Salvador, POVV02P03_10San Salvador, POVV02P03_11Child Labor, Boys, Wheelbarrow, San Salvador, POVV02P03_12Shanty Town, Shacks, San Salvador, POVV02P03_13Haiti, POVV02P03_14Girls, Friends, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P03_15Girls, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P03_16Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_01Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_01BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_02Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_02BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_03Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_03BGirl and Her Starving Daughter, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P04_05Woman with Daughter, Mother, selling items, POVV02P04_08Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_08BMother and Daughter, Poverty, POVV02P04_10Mother and Daughter, Poverty, POVV02P04_10BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_11Somalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P04_12Somalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P04_12BSomalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P04_13Boy, POVV02P04_14Boy, POVV02P04_14BBoys, POVV02P04_15Berber Girl in Morocco, POVV02P04_16Berber Girl in Morocco, POVV02P04_17Berber Girl in Morocco, POVV02P04_17BPOVV02P05_02Woman with child, baby, Somalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P05_09Woman with child, baby, Somalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P05_09BSomalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P05_10Gypsy Girl, Athens, Greece, POVV02P05_14Gypsy Girl, Face, Hair, mouth, lips, nose, eyes, Athens, Greece, POVV02P05_15Mother and her Child, crying boy, Puebla, Mexico, POVV02P05_17Djenne, Mali, POVV02P06_03Djenne, Mali, POVV02P06_03BTOPV03P06_02TOPV03P06_03Slide, TOPV03P06_04Slide, steps, TOPV03P06_05Slides, Swing set, lawn, sand, TOPV03P06_06
Children Sitting on the Stairs, house, home, CSZV01P08_05Carrying water back to the village, FWWV01P08_03Girls Carrying water back to the village, FWWV01P08_04Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_05Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_06Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_07Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_08Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_09Girls Carrying water back to the village, Child-Labor, FWWV01P08_10PFSV01P04_10mother, children, walking, car, dirt street, Colonia Flores Magone, PFSV02P01_18Colonia Flores Magone, PFSV02P02_17Camel, Ahmadabad, PFSV02P07_06Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_07Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_08Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_08BShops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_09Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_10Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_11Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_12Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P11_14Shops along the Road in the Himalayas, Araniko Highway, PFSV02P12_01Bhaktapur, PFSV02P12_06Maputo, Mozambique, PFSV07P07_10Ribs, Water truck releasing water for the children, Roadside, Mumbai, PLPV03P12_16Water truck releasing water for the children, Roadside, Fun, Mumbai, PLPV03P12_18Teen Mother, Baby boy at the Dharavi district of Mumbai , PMCV01P07_03.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_04.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_07Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_07BWMother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_08.0216Mother with her girl, in the slums of Mumbai, India, PMCV01P07_09.0216Children Picking Trash, Beach, Back Bay, Badhawar Park, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POV35V09P14_03Children Picking Trash, Beach, Back Bay, Badhawar Park, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POV35V09P14_04Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Back Bay, Badhawar Park, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POV35V09P14_05Girl Picking Trash, Beach, Back Bay, Badhawar Park, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POV35V09P14_05BTwo Girls, Contrast of Rich and Poor, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_14Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_14BMumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_17Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_20Mumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_20BMumbai (Bombay), India, POV35V09P14_40Father Feeding his Baby, shack, hut, squalor, squalid, Mumbai, India, POV35V09P14_44Slums of Mumbai, shacks, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_019Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_029Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_031Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_032Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_033Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_034Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_036Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_037Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_038Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_039Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_040Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_041Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_041BFriends, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_042Little Girl in the Slums of Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_042BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_043Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_043BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_044Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_045Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, POVPCD3306_045BBuddha Baby, Shanty Home, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_055BGirls, friends, Shanty Home, Shack, apartment buildings, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_057Man, baby, proud father, Shanty Home, Shack, apartment buildings, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_058Sisters, Girls, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_059Sisters, Girls, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, POVPCD3306_059BGirl, Boy, children picking through trash, slum, Fort Beach, Khroorow Baug, POVPCD3306_060Girl, face, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_062Girl, face, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_063Girl, face, nosering, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_063BGirls, smiles, pigtails, nosering, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_064Teen mother with son, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_065Boys, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_067Shanty Homes, group, boys, girls, apartment buildings, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_069boys, brothers, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_074boys, brothers, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_074Bgirls, friends, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_075girls, friends, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_076Girls, friends, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_077Girls and a Boy Gaze Deeply in the Future, Eyes, Slums, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_078girls, boy, eyes, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_080Friends, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_082Girl smiles, smiling, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_094BChildren Sleeping on the Street, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_095Mother, Hair, Daughter, hair, smiles, sari, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_096Smiling Girl, slum, Black and White, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_097Mumbai (Bombay), IndiaMother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_098Mother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_099Mother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_099BMother and her Daughter, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_100girl, baby, dress, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_100Bfriends, girls, baby, babies, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_102friends, girls, smiles, shanty town, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_104Sisters, baby, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_105baby, girl, slum, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_105Bbrother and sister, smile, boy, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_106tug-of-warl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_107Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_108Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_109Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_110Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_111Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_112Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_113Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_114Mother and her daughter, girl, slums, shacks, shanty town, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_115Young Girl with her Toddler Sister, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_116Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_116Bgirl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_117girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_118girl, face, ssmile, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_118BTeen Mother, baby, girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_119Baby, girl, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_119BMother and her two children, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_120Mother and her two babies, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_121Group, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_122Group, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_123Group, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_123BProud Father, daughter, girl, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_124Proud Father, daughter, girl, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_125Proud Father, daughter, girl, smiles, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_125BTeen Mother, daughter, girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_126Teen girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_126BTeen Mother, daughter, girl, female, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_128Teen Girl, face, Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVPCD3306_128BGroup, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_132Group, girls, boys, slum, Mumbai, India, POVPCD3306_132BPOVPCD3307_037Boy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_072Boy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_072BBoy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_073Boy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_074Boy in the Sands of the Sahara, POVPCD3307_075POVPCD3307_076Mother and Boy on a boat, Burkina Faso, Africa, POVPCD3307_076BMother with her Son, Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P01_09Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P01_09BRefugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P01_10Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P01_12Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P01_16Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P01_17Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P01_17BAfrican Diaspora, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, POVV01P01_19African Diaspora Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, POVV01P01_19BBoy Caught in War, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P02_01Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P02_01BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_09Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_09BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_11Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_12Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, Somalia, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_12BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, Somalia, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_14Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_16Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_17Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_17BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_18Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_18BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_19Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P02_19BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_02Mother and her Child in a Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_04Tuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_04BTuberculosis Tent, Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_04CRefugee Camp, Somalia, POVV01P03_04DRefugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P03_13Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P04_01Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P04_03Refugee Camp, near the Ethiopia Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P04_03BBuddha Baby, Refugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_15Buddha Baby, Refugee Camp near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_15BRefugee Camp, near the Kenya Uganda border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_15BWRefugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_18Refugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, POVV01P04_18BRefugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P05_06Refugee Camp, near the Kenya Somalia border, African Diaspora, Somalia, POVV01P05_06BLake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P05_14Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P05_14BLake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P05_18Starving LIttle Boy, Mother, Lake Turkana, POVV01P06_04Mothers Hand, Starving LIttle Boy, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_04BLake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_11Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_14Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_14BBoys lining up for food, Singing, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_16Boys lining up for food, Singing, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_19Boys lining up for food, Singing, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P06_19BBoy eating from a bowl, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_04Boys eating from a food bowl, Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_07Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_13Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_14Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_18Lake Turkana, refugee, African Diaspora, POVV01P07_19Children picking through trash, Khroorow Baug, Mumbai, Back Bay, Girl Picking Trash, Fort Beach, POVV01P09_09Woman in a Berka, Dharavi Slum India, POVV01P10_08Malnourished Baby Boy, POVV01P10_12Malnourished Baby Boy, POVV01P10_12BMalnourished Baby Boy, POVV01P10_13Malnourished Baby Boy, POVV01P10_13BMalnourished Boys, POVV01P11_01Malnourished Boy, belly, POVV01P11_01BBeggers, Merida, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, POVV01P11_09Beggers, Merida, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, POVV01P11_10Merida, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, POVV01P11_10BColonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_08Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_08BGirl in the Slums, Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_09Girl in the Slums, Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_09BColonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_18Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P12_18BInside a Home, Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P13_02Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P13_02BColonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P13_11Colonia Flores Magon, Tijuana, Mexico, POVV01P13_11BMalnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_08Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_09Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_10Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_11Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_12Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_13Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_13BMalnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_14Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_15Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_16Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_17Malnourished Toddler, POVV02P01_18Amadabad, POVV02P02_01Malnourished boys, Amadabad, POVV02P02_02Malnourished boys, Amadabad, POVV02P02_03Amadabad, POVV02P02_04Malnourished boy, Amadabad, POVV02P02_05Smiling Girl, Amadabad, POVV02P02_06Smiling Girl, Amadabad, POVV02P02_07Amadabad, Smiling Girl, POVV02P02_07BSmiling Girl, Amadabad, POVV02P02_08Smiling Girl, Amadabad, POVV02P02_08BSmiling Girls, Amadabad, POVV02P02_09Amadabad, POVV02P02_10Crying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_14Crying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_14BCrying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_14BWCrying Child, Dirty Face, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_15Crying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P02_16San Salvador, POVV02P02_17San Salvador, POVV02P02_18San Salvador, POVV02P02_19San Salvador, POVV02P03_01San Salvador, POVV02P03_02San Salvador, POVV02P03_02BBoys, San Salvador, POVV02P03_03Crying Child with a baby chick, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P03_04Crying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P03_04BCrying Child, Tears, San Salvador, POVV02P03_04BWCrying Girl, San Salvador, POVV02P03_05San Salvador, POVV02P03_05BSan Salvador, POVV02P03_06San Salvador, POVV02P03_07San Salvador, POVV02P03_08Boy, Shanty town, San Salvador, POVV02P03_10San Salvador, POVV02P03_11Child Labor, Boys, Wheelbarrow, San Salvador, POVV02P03_12Shanty Town, Shacks, San Salvador, POVV02P03_13Haiti, POVV02P03_14Girls, Friends, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P03_15Girls, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P03_16Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_01Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_01BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_02Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_02BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_03Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_03BGirl and Her Starving Daughter, Khroorow Baug, POVV02P04_05Woman with Daughter, Mother, selling items, POVV02P04_08Mumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_08BMother and Daughter, Poverty, POVV02P04_10Mother and Daughter, Poverty, POVV02P04_10BMumbai (Bombay), India, POVV02P04_11Somalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P04_12Somalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P04_12BSomalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P04_13Boy, POVV02P04_14Boy, POVV02P04_14BBoys, POVV02P04_15Berber Girl in Morocco, POVV02P04_16Berber Girl in Morocco, POVV02P04_17Berber Girl in Morocco, POVV02P04_17BPOVV02P05_02Woman with child, baby, Somalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P05_09Woman with child, baby, Somalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P05_09BSomalia Refugee Camp, African Diaspora, Refugee Camp, Somalia, POVV02P05_10Gypsy Girl, Athens, Greece, POVV02P05_14Gypsy Girl, Face, Hair, mouth, lips, nose, eyes, Athens, Greece, POVV02P05_15Mother and her Child, crying boy, Puebla, Mexico, POVV02P05_17Djenne, Mali, POVV02P06_03Djenne, Mali, POVV02P06_03BTOPV03P06_02TOPV03P06_03Slide, TOPV03P06_04Slide, steps, TOPV03P06_05Slides, Swing set, lawn, sand, TOPV03P06_06
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