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Redwood National Park
Code Number:
Redwood National Park
Redwood National Park, Humboldt County, Redwood Trees, (Sequoia sempervirens), Conifer, Evergreen, Forest, Woodlands, Pinophyta, Pinopsida, Pinales, Cupressaceae, Coniferophyta, Coniferae, Plantae, coniferous, Northern California, Nature, Scenics, Travel, Natural, Scenery, Geoform, Landscape, Wilderness, USA
Image by:
Wernher Krutein

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Ferns, Fallen Tree, Avenue of the GiantsAvenue of the GiantsAvenue of the GiantsAvenue of the GiantsTrinidad Head, Pacific Ocean, Humboldt CountyRedwood National ParkmossRedwood National ParkRedwood ForestRedwood ForestRedwood Forest, BenchRedwood Forest, FernsRedwood Forest, fernPrairie Creek Redwoods State Park, fallen trees, forest, fernTrees, forest, fern, Panorama, Prairie Creek Redwoods State ParkForest, Ferns, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park
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