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Check point, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldiers
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Check point, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldiers
Israel, Israeli, Roadway, Streets, Automotive Transportation, Vehicular, Mobile, Mobility, road, Army, Military, Weapons, Armament, Weaponry, Armed Security Forces, artillery, History, Historical, archives
Image by:
Wernher Krutein

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Highway-90 along the Israel Jordan border in the West Bank, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldiersHighway-90 along the Israel Jordan border in the West Bank, Checkpoint, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldierHighway-90 along the Israel Jordan border in the West Bank, Checkpoint, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldierHighway-90 along the Israel Jordan border in the West Bank, Checkpoint, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldierTanks, Tracked Vehicle, IDF, Israeli Defense ForceCheck point, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldiersTent, near Jerusalem, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldierM16 Rifle, Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldiersWailing Wall, Jerusalem, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, soldiersJeep, Highway, near Bet Shemesh, IDF, Israeli Defense ForceRodman Gun, Cannon, Gun, Cannon Balls, civil war fort, Fort Point, Artillery, cannonballRodman Gun, Cannon, Cannon Balls, civil war fort, Fort Point, Artillerycivil war fort, Fort PointRodman gun, cannon, civil war fort, Fort Pointcivil war fort, Golden Gate Bridge, Fort Point
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